Posted by: odaatuk | July 4, 2007

Day Six

Visited the Doctors today, but she thought it was too soon to weigh me, she will only weigh me monthly.  I can understand the reasoning, however, I want to know how I’m doing!  Perhaps it is a blessing in disguise to have someone else control when I weigh, it means I don’t have to obsess over it.  I think that’s what I like about OA and AA – by handing things over to my Higher Power, I don’t have to think about things anymore! 

My appetite is definitely shrinking, and I think that is because I am appreciating what I eat more than before.  I used to eat so much rubbish during the day, that when it came to dinner time, I wasn’t that hungry and didn’t enjoy it all that much.  Now, I’m nicely hungry before each meal and it tastes so much better!  I don’t know why I don’t eat fruit and veg when I’m binging, as I actually prefer them to chocolate and sweets. 

The sugar cravings are almost gone, and my moods are stabilising.  I feel better in myself – I’m positive, have more energy, and there are no more chocolate stains on my clothes!

There is always a positive attached to the chore of visiting the doctor – it means I have to get out for a 20 minute walk.  I also popped into the shop, and it was a great feeling to be proud of my shopping at the check-out.  Usually I feel so ashamed that all I’m buying is rubbish.  I was sure that people would notice and think things like; “no wonder she is that size” and “she looks greedy, bet all that doesn’t last her long!”. 

 I had a thoroughly enjoyable dinner of pork medallions.  They have almost all of the fat trimmed off, meaning it is much easier to wash the tray afterwards!


  1. You are doing so well! It’s great to see you so positive and to be upbeat from all the good changes. x

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