Posted by: odaatuk | July 3, 2007

Day Five

Thats the last of the Cocopops gone!  Only got a box of Crunchy Nut Cornflakes and a box of Cookie Crisp to eat, and then I’ll be on the shredded wheat.  It feels almost cleansing to be clearing out the junk.  I know I could just throw it all away, but like many overweight people, I have a problem throwing away perfectly good food.  Instead, I am limiting my portions and eating like a normal person.  The fridge looks so empty with no chocolate in it – it’ll be filled with vegetables when the shopping is done today.

 I’m a little anxious today as I have a doctors appointment tomorrow.  It will be the first time I’ve been out on my own for over 6 weeks.  Its only 1/4 of a mile from home, so It’ll be okay.  Hard to stop the worry though.  I’m hoping that as I slim down, my confidence will improve and I won’t feel so awful being outside.  I never used to have this problem, its amazing how it creeps up.  One good thing is that I don’t often find myself in places I can buy chocolate!

Enjoyed my fruit lunch today, but didn’t really enjoy my dinner.  I had roast chicken, my last for a while.  A roast dinner isn’t something you can do on a diet.  I’d rather have no roast potatoes than low fat roast potatoes.  Good bye roasties!


  1. Although I feel my agoraphobia came about because I am very overweight (I began to think it was easier on others if I stayed in), I don’t think the act of going out necessarily gets easie the less you weigh.

    I forced myself to go out on my own. I had sheer panic because of it, even thinking I was dying at times, but the more I did it the easier it got. I still have bouts of panic while I am out if I think about the bigger picture and my agoraphobia resurfaces if I don’t leave the house for a few days but in the main part it is now completely managable.

    Force yourself to go out, even just for 10 minutes, every day and soon you won’t feel like a prisoner anymore 🙂

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