Posted by: odaatuk | July 9, 2007

Days Eight, Nine and Ten

Time is doing that scary thing when it goes by so fast it leaves me standing way behind!  I can’t get used to how fast time moves, year after year it speeds up, but now, if I look away for a moment, a few days go past!  At least this means I won’t have to be at this weight for very long.

 I got dressed the other day, and I was expecting my usually tight size 24 trousers to be looser.  I was very dissapointed when I pulled them up and they were still rather snug.  I didn’t let it get me down though, and I reassured myself that these things all take time.  How surprised was I when I got undressed that evening to see I had actually put on my size 22 trousers!  Its little postives like this that makes the days easier.

 I feel well and truly ‘in the zone’ now – I’m focused, clear headed and I know what I want to achieve.  My only enemy is disorganisation!  This is only a problem on the weekend when there isn’t a set lunch time.  I end up getting distracted and it gets to around 3pm and I realise I am really hungry.  Its then I started thinking about the huge amounts I need to eat, and my mind wanders into a dangerous place thinking about naughty things.  Luckily, I’ve learnt how to rationalise with that voice in my head – I know my ‘fat voice’ is just trying to trick me in to binging, and I can now ignore that voice and have a sensible lunch.

I’m due to get weighed on Wednesday the 18th, which will be day 20 of my new regime.  It will be interesting to see if getting weighed over a longer period is better for me.  Sometimes I have been know to become complacent after loosing so well at the scales.  With not being weighed so ofter, I can’t afford to go off the rails.


  1. That’s great about your trousers, there is nothing like knowing small sizes fit you!

    Good luck with your weigh in! I am sure you’ll do great. I am the opposite with scales; if I don’t weigh daily then I lose the momentum to lose weight.

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