Posted by: odaatuk | July 17, 2007

Day Nineteen

I’m finding things particularly hard – I’m crying a lot and feeling a mixture of despair, hopelessness and anxiety.  I thought it was too soon in the year for this, but perhaps the lack of a ‘real’ summer is affecting me.  I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, an one of the things I’m going to ask is where I can get a SAD Light from.

The depression isn’t as bad as it could be – at least I am sober.  Being ‘healthy’ in my lifestyle certainly helps.  I remember why I gave up drinking – I was worried that I was drinking so much and loosing control so badly that it wouldn’t be long before I seriously injured, or even killed, myself.  A couple of times a week I’d drink till I couldn’t walk and could barely see.  I was in a scary place, and I’m incredibly grateful that I’m sober today.

 I’m also incredibly grateful that I am no longer harming my body with food.  Although a binge does give an initial ‘high’ it is not worth the massive come down and the guilt afterwards.

 I’m a Taoist, and a major part of my recovery is practising ‘Wei Wu Wei’ (action without action).  Basically, it means to follow the flow of nature, without trying.  Rather than constantly trying to fight situations and control them, which is unnatural and self-defeating, it is better to understand the true nature of the Tao, behaving completely naturally and in tune with the natural order of things.  For me, this is also linked in with ‘Step Three’ of the Twelve Steps: “Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him’.  I’ve turned my will and my life over to the Tao.


  1. Hi Odaat,

    I enjoyed reading your blog. One of things that has come up over and over again in my support group for alcohol issues is the depression that often follows after we stop. Those who were masking the depression with alcohol find they are noticing it for the first time and those who have always had low grade find it much worse, months after. I am sure that SAD does not help (I have a Sunbox myself!).

    I wanted to recommend a book, or some terms to google. The program 7 Weeks to Sobriety(Joan Matthews) is a very well known program in the US that also addresses depression associated with the consumption of too much alcohol. You can find a lot of her info on the net. She also has a book out on treating depression naturally. I’ve not read that one, but if it is as well researched as her first it should be great.

    Good luck!

  2. Hi where have you gone?!!!! Come back, I really enjoyed your company!

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    Come and help me to get it moving!

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