Posted by: odaatuk | July 12, 2007

Day Fourteen

Two weeks, wow! 

 I faced a challenge last night when we had friends round.  One of our friends is almost 30 stone, and he can eat with the best of them.  We usually encourage each other a bit too much and end up binging.  I knew what was coming though, and I was prepared.  At around 8:30, someone suggested ordering a pizza.  I said that’d be a great idea – I’d go and put my low fat oven pizza on to cook.  As they sat their sharing 3 large pizzas dripping with greasy cheese, I ate my tomato and basil pizza with a little bit of cheese on.  It was just the right size, and afterwards I felt nicely satisfied and not stuffed and sick.  Its nice to not have that ‘I’ve eaten so much I can’t move’ feeling.

Another feeling I’ve forgotten about is the dreaded hangover feeling.  Its my husbands Birthday today and he drank far too much last night.  He is a bit worse for wear, and I realised that I’ve forgotten what a hangover feels like.  I feel so proud when we see friends and they ask if I’m still on the wagon.  I know they doubted my ability to give up smoking and drinking, and its nice to have proved them wrong.  I’ll prove all the doubters wrong with my diet now.

 I’m thinking about weight-loss rather a lot at the moment, and trying to guess how much I’ve lost.  I’m trying to put it to the back of my mind, but to be honest – I’m excited!  I want to know how well I’ve done as I have achieved so much over the past two weeks.

 I will be going home to visit family in a couple of weeks for my Mothers birthday.  In my family, birthdays usually mean a meal out, but this time I will make sensible choices. 

 My mum lost an incredible amount of weight, and has maintained her new weight for over a year.  Its nice to see first hand the changes someone goes through when they take control and learn how to overcome the desire to overeat.  I’m looking forward to seeing me change too.


  1. You are doing so well, you should be incredibly proud of yourself!

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