Posted by: odaatuk | July 2, 2007

Day Four

A pretty non eventful day today.  Had my last white baps for lunch, from now on I will only be buying wholewheat bread, pasta etc.  Hopefully this will lessen any cravings.

 I’ve ordered my shopping for the week, so I can sit back now and not think!  I don’t have to worry about what I’m eating and when, its all sorted.  Despite buying lean meat and more veg, the shop was about £30 cheaper than normal.  I used to spend all that on snacks!  Hopefully I’ll save the £’s while I’m loosing lb’s.

 Below is a summary of my meals for the week.  There are a few items that aren’t icredibly healthy, but I have them in and don’t want to throw them out.  I’m using up the ‘bad’ foods in the house and will not be buying any more.  The numbers are Weight Watchers ‘Points’, I find these so much easier to work with than calories.  A woman of my age and size can eat a maximum of 27 points a day.

Click on thumbnail to see meal plan:

Day Five to Day Eleven


  1. It looks like you’ve made some good changes going from what you’ve said you were eating before. Go you! I was on that many WW points when I did it I think. I still found it hard to stick to!

    The wholewheat bread pasta etc will lessen cravings. Definitely.

    Good for you.

    You should advertise your blog on the fat fighters directory (theres a link on my blog) to get the support of others.


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