Posted by: odaatuk | July 1, 2007

Day Three

I dreamt about binging last night, and I have to say it was rather helpful!  I used to dream about smoking in my first few weeks of giving up, so I hope this passes as quickly.  While it helped me to remember that overeating doesn’t make me happy, the dream was a little bit tempting.  I continued to have cravings after dinner, but managed to distracted myself by watching TV.  I’m looking forward to the time when I no longer thing about food every second of the day.

Another late lunch today, due to problems with the husband.  He slept in late, and ignored me all morning.  Even when asked a direct question, he just didn’t respond.  After  a couple of hours he asked if I was okay, and I explained about him ignoring me.  His excuse?  He didn’t hear me.  I know I may sound unsympathetic – I mean he does work 60 hour weeks, but I don’t ask him to do that.  He is burnt out because he is working too much.  I try and persuade him to have a holiday or to slow down, but he wants to be the best employee.  He thinks I am over worrying, and perhaps I am.  If I am, its only because my Dad had a nervous breakdown due to overwork.

 It was brought home to me how much I want to get control over my weight and over food today.  I was browsing a website that I was active on when I lost a couple of stone last year.  On my weight loss ‘Team’ was a lady from the same town as me who weighed a similar amount.  When I dropped out of the team, I lost touch with everyone.  I found her again today, and she is at her goal weight.  I’m so happy for her, and I only wish that I would have stuck with it through the hard times, and be at a managable weight now myself.

 Dinner was at a far more sensible time today, and this made the evening easier.  When I’m hungry, it feels as though only something ‘bad’ will fill that whole.

 Three days of ‘reasonable eating’ and I feel much better.  I will be going to the doctors in the next week to discuss seeing a dietician. 


  1. Yeah, I sort of had a breakdown over overwork last year too – my excuse was I wanted to be good at my job too. I ended up with anxiety disorder including agoraphobia and it was pretty much a really horrific time. I have only recently started to come out of it a year later.

    I think seeing a dietician is good if you don’t understand what foods will help you to lose weight. I went to one a few years ago, she looked at my diet and told me I was eating well, I just had to cut back. Which I knew. and to come back in 3 months when I’d lost weight. I think as an emotional eater you might do better to request some cognitive behavioural therapy. This will then address why you over eat and help you to manage it.


  2. Isn’t it crazy how many similarities there are between dieting and quitting smoking?

    I also used to dream about smoking when I quit 4 years ago. And I would be so upset at myself for smoking!


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